Sunday, August 21, 2011

I might as well tell you now....

Gentle Reader,

I've got something I'd like to share with you before this blog has too many entries and ends-up swallowing the following information about me that I think is important for you to know.

I would like to start-out by saying that personally, I embrace most of the many differences we all have between each-other as human beings. I truly do. Variety is the spice of life, as they say. America is indeed a melting-pot and she would not be nearly as strong as she is today were it not for the diversity we are so blessed with. But embracing differences is by no means an absolute. I would even go as far as to say that it would be a rare person indeed who embraces all the differences they encounter in others.
Some examples may include; criminals (who skirt or break the law) may not embrace the differences they have with police officers (who try to enforce the law and would like to see criminals imprisoned). People who believe in the free use of public land (it is supposed to public after all) may not embrace the differences they have with environmentalists (who wish to stop the use of said lands in order to protect plant and animal life that may be harmed by public use, thereby doing a good thing and preserving the land for the public). When it comes to differences like these (I'm not even going to go near the can of worms that is Jewish / Muslim relations in the Middle-East), people on one side of an issue just cannot understand the irrationality and ignorant mindset of the people whose opposing views are "on the opposite side of the coin". Being only human, I too am guilty of not understanding the views of people whose thoughts (on the couple of issues that I am passionate about) are in direct opposition to my own. And the couple of issues I am passionate about are very hot-topic issues; issues that can lead to very heated debate, to the point of ending friendships or relationships. With all of that said, please allow me to submit the following:

I am a VERY staunch and hardcore supporter of our Constitution, with a special focus on its first ten amendments (a.k.a The Bill of Rights). And within the Bill of Rights, the amendments that are of greatest interest to me are the Second and Fourth Amendments. The Fourth Amendment is not much of a hot-topic issue among freedom-loving Americans. But the Second Amendment...well, this topic is one that can divide families down the middle and cause bad feelings that border on hatred between those who love it and those who do not.
For those who've not read the Constitution lately, here's a little refresher: the Second Amendment reads: "A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed". Sounds simple enough, right? Well just like beauty, interpretation of any given law is always in the eye of the beholder.

Now I'm not going to espouse my political views here and give a dissertation as to why I believe what I believe. And I'm not here to try and preach and "win you over" to my way of thinking, if you happen to be vehemently opposed to what my definition of "right" is. Maybe someday in a later blog entry, but not today.

What I do want to say, and what I think you should know about me before you decide to follow this blog is this: I am a very firm supporter of the Right to Keep and Bear Arms. I am strictly opposed to most, not all, but most forms of gun control and most laws that impose restrictions on the rights of law-abiding citizens when it comes to gun ownership and possession. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not some kind of weirdo militia member who trains at a compound in the hills of Missouri. And I am certainly not anti-government and am not looking to overthrow it. Whatever you take from this message please know this: I am not one of those "gun nuts" that are portrayed in the media who wears camouflage BDU's on a daily basis and never goes anywhere without a rifle hanging from his shoulder. Far from it. Most people would describe me as falling somewhere between surfer and preppy....who happens to think that if I've not broken any laws and have no criminal record, has never even been arrested, that I should not have to surrender any of the rights I've been endowed with by my creator, many of which are enumerated in the Constitution. Remember people, although the U.S. Constitution is one of the greatest documents ever written by humankind, it does not give you anything. The Constitution is simply meant to enumerate many of your rights so that they are not forgotten. Your rights are inherent in you. You were endowed with them by your creator. And as a sovereign citizen of the United States nobody can take them from you. Stop using the phrase "Constitutional Rights". Your rights are yours, they do not come from the Constitution. No matter which side of an issue your views may place you; yes or no, anti- or pro, supporter or opposition, your rights are yours and don't let anybody ever tell you any different.

So, in conclusion I'd just like to say that I know many who may end-up reading this blog may be very anti-gun. And that's O.K. It's great. But please be advised that I am a very pro-gun person thus you may find me repulsive and may wish to stop following this blog now. I have no idea what the future holds for this blog; I have no intention AT THIS TIME to ever use this blog as a pro-Second Amendment forum. So (hopefully) you will not have to listen to a bunch of rants and hyperbole in support of the Second Amendment if you happen to disapprove of guns. O.K? We cool here people? Now you know the number one thing about me that may make you hate my guts from the now you can unsubscribe from this blog or choose to never subscribe in the first place (if you are so inclined). I'd prefer if you didn't....but it is certainly your right.


1 comment:

  1. Jeez. Don't you ever shut up? I'm going to stay subscribed to your stupid blog just so I can watch you fall on your face. Your writing sucks. There's a little book known as a dictionary. Get someone to teach you how to use it...then look up the word "succinct". I'll bet if somebody asked you what time it was it'd take you half an hour to tell them. Say what you're going to say then SHUT UP!! Spit it out already. With your latest blog entry, you have single-handedly redefined the term "long-winded".


I'd be most appreciative of any comments you'd like to leave.